Barry is new WM of Bispham with Norbreck Mark Lodge
12th February 2016
Barry Shaw was installed as the newest master of Bispham with Norbreck Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 866 in what proved to be a splendid ceremony by his predecessor and installing master Peter Maxwell at Blackpool’s Adelaide Street Masonic Hall.
Peter Maxwell (right) hands over the reins to Barry Shaw.
The principal guest representing the PGM was Provincial Grand Senior Warden Andrew Whittle who had for company an array of Grand and Provincial Grand Officers which included Terry West, Terry Hudson, John Powell and John Forster, the PGM’s Special Representative, and Andrew’s colleague-in-office PrGJW Tony Cross.
Barry Shaw is flanked by his wardens Stephen Smith (left) and John Chapman.
Peter Maxwell ably despatched the early routine business of the lodge before the glittering procession of senior officers was welcomed to the lodge.
Some of the new lodge team on parade with Barry Shaw.
Peter invited John Powell PGSD to assist him by acting as ISW, Jimmy Rogers, PAGSwdB, and WM of Cleveleys Mark Lodge No 1176 as IJW and Bill Snell, WM of Fylde Mark Lodge Mo 296, to take post as IIG.
Barry Shaw was presented as Master Elect by Barry Bromhead and a memorable show got underway.
Barry Shaw with distinguished guests
Peter installed Barry as his successor in a warm, sincere and in an all but faultless manner which was later to earn him lavish praise by a succession of officers and his peers.
New WM Barry is congratulated by Andrew Whittle.
The working tools of the Mark Degree were presented were by John Chapman who was later appointed as the lodge’s JW.
We’ll do it my way’ – Barry with DC Rod Holt and ADC Giles Berkley.
Brian Gregson delivered the presentation of the Quintuple Keystone Jewel and the Charity Jewel. Lodge veteran Bill Eardley, despite a late arrival, presented Peter with the IPM’s Jewel in his own inimitable fashion.
The Address to the WM was given by Melvyn Cross and after the new WM had appointed his officers John Powell addressed the new wardens. Tony Cross gave the Address to the Overseers and Andrew Whittle gave the age old address to the brethren.
Jimmy Rogers, Bob Boal and Glenn O’Brian welcome Barry and his wallet to the master’s circuit.
Organist Sean Haynes provided a series of musical accompaniments as each officer was invested which had his audience spotting the tunes such as ‘poor little lambs’ for the stewards; ‘write myself a letter’ for lodge secretary Andrew Dickson; and ‘My way’ for lodge DC and ADC Rod Holt and Giles Berkley.
It’s all big grins at festive board.
After Peter Maxwell finally handed over the reins of Bispham with Norbreck Mark Lodge to Barry, with the huge grin which often marks that part in the proceedings, Andrew Whittle brought the congratulations and warm wishes of the PGM to the new WM, his IPM and all the brethren of the lodge.
This table looks like a better behaved bunch.
Andrew singled out many of the officers who had played a part in the evening and also praised John Forster for the unstinting work he did as the PGM’s special representative.
After thanking Andrew for his kind remarks Barry then took over his WM’s duties which included the presentation of Grand Lodge Certificates which were explained by Andrew Dickson.
More fun happenings at festive board.
At a very enjoyable festive board Andrew Whittle brought his personal greetings to the new lodge team and wished them well for the future. He thanked the lodge for the warmth of its welcome and hospitality.
Cheers from the top table.
He thanked the two Terry’s, West and Hudson, for supporting him as Grand Officers and pointed out that Terry Hudson had been installed as the lodge’s WM exactly 40 years ago.
The lodge ‘engine room’ enjoying a well-earned rest at the top table.
Andrew mentioned the importance of supporting Mark Charities and thanked the brethren of Bispham with Norbreck for their generous donation of £866, the lodge’s number, on behalf of the eventual recipients.
He spoke about the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting to take place on May 4 and encouraged brethren to go along and support members who are to receive honours.
Words of wisdom from Andrew Whittle
He also spoke about the presentation, hosted by Adoniram Mark Lodge on 16 March, where a demonstration is being given on a 1795 Mark Advancement ceremony by members of the Somerset Ancient Mark Masons.
Peter Maxwell makes a point!
Andrew also encouraged brethren to consider joining the Royal Ark Mariners Degree which is closely associated with Mark Masonry.
Bill Eardley toasts Barry with the Master’s song.
Peter Maxwell gave a humorous toast to Barry as WM, confiding that he had obtained much of his material about Barry’s life and times, (which ranged from his navy days, to being a teacher at an all-girls school, to becoming a chartered engineer) from Barry’s wife.
Bill Eardley gave a rousing rendition of the Master’s song, following which Barry responded to Peter’s toast, and gave a vote of thanks to the many individuals who had taken part in the evening and who had supported and encouraged him during his time in Mark Masonry.
These might help with the missus for being out late again.
As the very happy evening’s events drew to a close Barry presented Andrew with a floral arrangement to take home with him to his wife which, Andrew said, would go a long way to keeping him in her good books.
Article and Photographs Courtesy of Bob Boal